A practice-based training program designed for serious practitioners of Ashtanga Yoga and those seeking to become effective, compassionate and skilled practitioners and/or teachers — with Michael Joel Hall (DC Yoga Club), Heather Sullivan (Birmingham Yoga) & Cory Bryant (Yoga Shala Nashville)

Dates for 6-week program:  Jan 2 - Feb 20, 2024

  • 4 weeks of on-line course work followed by  

  • 10-day in-residence immersion at Yoga Shala Nashville:  Feb 11-20, 2024

We are looking for folks who want to dive headlong into the system wide study of Ashtanga Yoga with an eye toward cultivating the ability to communicate (i.e., teach) it to others. 

Our purpose is to:

  • facilitate a deep understanding of Ashtanga Yoga as a holistic system for personal, spiritual and communal growth; and 

  • equip you with the communication tools necessary to convey the practice to yourself and others.

We'll cover the traditional series in a purposely segmented fashion and discuss the nuanced aspects of teaching, such as inclusivity, equity, cultural appropriation, eating disorders, body positivity and trauma. 

Our comprehensive curriculum includes: 

  • asana study (including modifications/variations for students of varying abilities)

  • pranayama

  • meditation

  • anatomy & physiology

  • adjustments

  • self-care practices

  • philosophy & history

  • ethics

Practicing and teaching yoga is a responsibility and a privilege that we take seriously. We each come to the table with decades of experience and a passion for supporting anyone and everyone who is ready and willing to dedicate themselves to this path. Those that entrust us with their precious time and energy can count on having our support beyond our six weeks together.

Join our community of passionate and dedicated Ashtanga Yoga practitioners and take your practice to the next level with our ASHTANGA TECH Immersion. Apply now to secure your spot!

How it works:

  • Weeks 1 through 4 will be delivered via virtual format and you may complete the work from home.

    • Live (Zoom) weekly Sunday morning Mysore sessions with Michael, Heather and/or Cory

    • Live (Zoom) Sat meditation lecture with Cory (7:30-8:30amCST) + a new 20 min guided meditation to use daily through the week (13 hours)

    • Live (Zoom) Sat Q&A with Heather & Michael (9-10amCST)

    • 20 minute video lessons on each curriculum topic for you to complete on your own (9-10 sessions per week)

    • Reading assignments distributed each week (50 hours)

  • Then (Feb 11-20) we’ll transition to in-person for the last 10-days when we convene at Yoga Shala Nashville (85 hours).

    • 6-10am  Morning Session

      • 6am meditation

      • 6:30am Mysore 1 (+Observation)

      • 8am Mysore 2 (+Observation)

      • 9:30am pranayama

    • 10-noon break (breakfast)

    • 12pm Session 1:  Lecture & Discussion

    • 2-2:30pm Break

    • 2:30-4:30pm Session 2:  Assisting Lab/Practice Sessions


    • Rotation of Observation Groups: The observation groups rotate daily, ensuring all students get a chance to observe and then practice.

    • Breaks: Scheduled breaks allow for rest and transition between activities.

    • Flexibility: The schedule is flexible to adjust for the number of students and can be modified to accommodate different activities or extended sessions.

    • Potential for evening supplemental sessions that may be attended in person or on Zoom.

    • Feb 16th is moon day – there will be no morning session that day.

Prerequisite:  To join this training you must have an established/consistent Ashtanga Yoga practice (meaning practice is a non-negotiable component of your life); and a sincere interest and ability to commit to the training.

Mentorship:  Included in this offering is a MENTORSHIP opportunity to spend one week with us in our home shala diving deeper and more personally into the aspects of teaching upon which you desire to focus.


  • $2000

  • Includes access to the complete training

  • Transit to Nashville and lodging there is not included.

Payment is nonrefundable after December 15, 2023.