Hello, thank you for your interest in yoga practice in our shala. If you’ve not practiced with us before and/or are not a current member/class-pack holder, this page is for you!
We offer teachings in the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga - a form of moving meditation that really wakes you up and gets your body and mind feeling good! Our classes are offered in two formats:
Guided (“Led”) vinyasa style - this is what most folks are accustomed to where the teacher guides the students as a group through a series of postures.
“Mysore” style, which is quite a bit different than what most folks are familiar with. Our teachers work with each student individually to build their yoga practice based on the principles and sequencing of Ashtanga. It’s the best way to learn yoga and ideal for beginners and experienced folks alike. We recommend that you commit to coming in at least three times each week in order to fully experience the benefits of this practice.
If you would like to pursue yoga study with us you may proceed to our “SCHEDULE” page to sign up for any upcoming class class and come on in!
You can learn more about Ashtanga and Mysore by reading the information provided on their respective pages under “ABOUT”.